1) You are more in control. Every physical real estate investment you make puts you in charge as CEO. As CEO, you are able to make improvements, cut costs (refinance your mortgage), raise rents, and market accordingly. Of course you are still at the mercy of the economic cycle, but overall you have much

Top 10 Features Of A Profitable Rental Property

From the first decision to invest in real estate to actually buying your first rental property, there is a lot of work to be done. This task may be daunting for the first-time investor. Owning property is a tough business and the field is peppered with land mines that can obliterate your returns. Here

9 Reasons Why Accountants Love to Buy Rental Properties

Every year, millions of Americans circle April 15th on their calendar in frustration and despair. Our beloved Uncle Sam asks working Americans to stroke a check for all of the hard earned income for the previous year. However, the old adage of turning something negative into a positive may just apply in reference to